Sharks Up Close” by James Abernethy

Sharks Up Close” by James Abernethy

SKU # gb.abernethy.sharks


”Sharks Up Close” by James Abernethy

 Explore the amazing beauty and life of sharks with one of the world’s most experienced sharks divers. Jim Abernethy, author and award-winning photographer, has spent a lifetime getting Up Close with many of the largest species of shark. His knowledge and love for these misunderstood creatures has fueled his passion to share with the world the true nature of sharks.

Through stunning imagery and educational text, the reader is sure to come away with a new appreciation for sharks and their plight for survival. Sharks – Up Close is filled with information on sharks — from their unique anatomy to behaviors rarely seen.

Number of pages: 81
Hardcover Book
Product Dimensions: 10 x 7 inches