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Understanding the working distances of the SMC-1 & SMC-2

How close is close enough?

Let's take a look at the SMC-1 & SMC-2. Both of these Super Macro Converters require you to get much closer than you may anticipate! As you learn more about these two wt lenses you may have heard the term “Working Distance”. Much like the lens on your camera, these wet lenses have a minimum and maximum focus distance. Understanding these distances is important for getting the most out of these lenses. The better you know your working distances the more “keeper shots” you will likely end up with.

Nikon 105mm Macro + SMC-1 - Lawrence Watkins

So what does the working distance look like for these wet lenses?

Below we set up a still life with our Duck Diver to showcase the minimum and maximum working distance of each wet lens. Below each image, you will see the indicate distance shown in the image. This was measured from the front of the glass element to the tip of our Duck Divers Bill. This space is known as our Working Distance.

First up, is the SMC-1

Shown above is the minimum working distance of 45mm or 1.7in

Shown above is the maximum working distance of the SMC-1 at 93mm or 3.6in.

One of the reasons the SMC-1 is such a popular wet lens for super macro is its rather forgiving working distance. The smaller the working distance the more challenging it becomes to get the images you want especially if there are outside forces at play and let's be honest there usually is!

If you have mastered the SMC-1 then you may be ready for the much tighter working distances of the SMC-2

At the closest working distance, you’re looking at 22mm or 0.8in. At the maximum working distance, you’re looking at 36mm or 1.4in which leave very little room for error.


SMC-2 at the maximum working distance of 36mm or 1.4in.

In conclusion the SMC-1 Working Distance range is 45-93mm 1.7in - 3.6in and provide 2.2x magnifictation while the SMC-2's Working Distance is 22-36mm .8in - 1.4in and provides a whopping 3.4x magnification! 

These Super Macro converters are designed for those individuals who want to take their macro photography to the next level

Nikon 105mm Macro & SMC-1 - Lawrence Watkins

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