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How to Repair Your Fiber Optic Cable When Traveling Remote

Would you spend less than $10 dollars to save your trip on the other side of the world?

When traveling abroad, it can be wise to carry a spare fiber optic cable, but small and inexpensive bushing plugs can often get your fiber optic functional again if it breaks or is cut. Even better, you can be a hero and save someone else's dive trip!

The repair generally takes less can 5 minutes. The Inon Bushing Plugs come in two styles; A simple straight one, and a right-angle version like most fiber optics come with when new.

A few simple steps and you are up and running. First and most important is to cut the damaged fiber optic with a sharp blade, preferably not with scissors. You want a flat clean cut on the end of the optical cable.

If you have the straight bushing plug, the fix is simply pushing the freshly cut fiber optic end into one of the two holes of the rubber plug. Pay particular attention to fully setting the cable all the way in until the end of the cable is flush with bushing plug surface.

The right-angle bushing plug is almost as easy. it has two small screws and an included allen wrench. After removing the two screws, the two halves come apart, allowing you to feed the fiber optic through the rubber portion and then close the two plastic halves and screw tight and secure. This is a very permanent repair and good for the long haul.